common scientific knowledge about transfer lift chair

Shift machine is also in recent years auxiliary products, such products are more common in foreign countries, European and American countries in this respect started earlier. About the use of the shift machine, now care personnel need such products, the difficulty is not to understand such products, do not know the academic name of the product. Commonly known as shifter, household shifter, patient crane, electric shifter. It is mainly used to move the old people in bed in nursing homes, and now there are many home nursing inquiries about this product. Because it is difficult to move a patient (an elderly person) in the process of care, one mistake could injure the patient or the nursing staff. A transfer machine can help caregivers transfer a bedridden patient from a nursing bed to a wheelchair or to a chair or sofa. Improve the living environment of bedridden patients and provide convenience for life.
Paralyzed old people must pay attention to bedsores, but also to think of ways to make paralyzed old people do not have been trapped in a bed. Can use some tools to let the elderly like normal people in the living room to watch TV, in the dining room and everyone to eat together, so on the patient’s rehabilitation and mental health is very helpful.
According to the different conditions of the elderly, some of them will stay in bed. Some of them need to stay in bed for a short time, such as recuperation after surgery. Some elderly people need to stay in bed for a long time, such as stroke disease. If it is a long-term bedridden elderly, the need to strengthen the life and diet care, to avoid complications. In order to better care for the elderly in bed, a transfer machine for nursing the elderly in bed is proposed:
The following is the use of the shift machine:
(1) The patient often needs to move when eating, bathing, lying in bed, or going out in a wheelchair;
(2) long-term back, hold, carry method, may fall and bruise, nursing people themselves are easy to damage the back is very hard;
(3) In order to prevent bedsore infection, patients should often turn over and move the body;
(4) To help the patient turn over or transfer, often need 2-3 people, a single weak woman is powerless;
(5) The patient needs to change clothes and sheets, clean the body, and nursing is tedious and laborious;
(6) Patients feel life without dignity, great psychological pressure, also easy to cause family conflicts.

Post time: Apr-08-2022